applicable federal rate for short term loans

(AFR) for May 2013 - Roth & Company, PC.
Use of the Applicable Federal Rate (AFR) in Exit Planning.
May 1, 2008. Please define the length of time for short, mid, and long-term loans. Also, what are the various FR''s? I am borrowing $300,000 from a.
IRS issues Applicable Federal Rates (AFR) for April 2013 « Roth.
IRS issues Applicable Federal Rates (AFR) for July 2012 « Roth.
Aug 20, 2012. -Short Term (demand loans and loans with terms of up to 3 years): 0.21. 20th, 2012 at 12:00 pm and is filed under Applicable Federal Rates.
May 9, 2013. The May 2013 short-term (1-3 years) AFR is.20 mid-term (3-9 years). If you are trying to buy a house and you are getting a loan from your.
We are working on a family loan and need to unders…. The Applicable Federal Rates vary by term, short, medium, long. They are published.
IRS issues Applicable Federal Rates (AFR) for November 2012.
Aug 24, 2009. For a term loan, this rate would apply for the life of the loan. The applicable federal rate is determined by the length of the loan. Short-term loans.
Oct 19, 2012. -Short Term (demand loans and loans with terms of up to 3 years): 0.22 19th, 2012 at 7:10 am and is filed under Applicable Federal Rates.
IRS AFR Rates | Applicable Federal Rate |